**Sign To Change 41 Pt Frost Talent**

#0 - Sept. 12, 2006, 6:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey Guys,
I want to take the time to talk about an issue the mages have been having in the forums recently. Apparently blizzard has "nerfed" the 41 point talent in frost. It seems that just about every mage dissagrees with blizzard and feels it to be necessary for the talent to be changed back.

Take a look below to determine your stance on the argument.


Summon Water Elemental
Rank 1/1
1318 Mana
10 Second Cast 30 Second Cooldown
Reagents: Arcane Powder
Summons a Water Elemental to fight for the caster.


Summon Water Elemental
Rank 1/1
263 Mana
Instant Cast 5 MinCooldown
Reagents: Arcane Powder
Summons a Water Elemental to fight for the caster
For 1 minute.


Obviously the talent change was drastic, here are a few key points changed.
  • 30 Second Cool Down To 5 Minute Cooldown

  • Possiblity of having the elemental out as long as you wanted, but now limited to 1 minute.

  • Please /sign if you would like the 41 pt talent put back to the old talent, 10 sec cast, 30 sec cooldown.


    #162 - Oct. 3, 2006, 6:16 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    Well on the upside, the Water Ele's damage was increased significantly, and it did gain a targetable frost nova (can cast it from 35 yards away).
    #187 - Oct. 3, 2006, 7:06 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    Q u o t e:
    Only downside to the pet right now is that you have to tell it to stop nuking for it to Frost Nova.

    This means you have to put it on Passive, then tell it to Nova, then have it start casting again.

    That has been fixed actually, it can frost nova while casting now. We found it to be far too clunky to try to get the AI to stop autocasting its nuke to squeeze the frost nova in.