2.0:"Will [insert name of addon] work" answer

#0 - Nov. 23, 2006, 12:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Since this question seems to be asked a lot lately, here's a quick list of types of addons that will and will not work.

Castingbar replacements:
Will still work.
v2.0 actually contains added functionality, making it easier to get information about which spell the player is casting and more.

Unit frame replacements and Raid addons:
Will still work, but will require a rewrite by the author.
The rewrite is needed to support the new secure templates, so users can cast spells and select party/raid members via the unit frames.

Click casting addons:
Will still work, requires rewrite for new secure templates.
Click casting addons, where you cast different spells, depending on which mouse button you use, and which modifier keys you're holding down, will still work. The secure templates Blizzard provides for use in unit frames etc support this natively, making it even easier for addon developers to implement.

Actionbar replacements:
Will still work, but will require a rewrite by the author.
There are some limitations to actionbar replacements, due to the nature of the 2.0 patch.
* It's no longer possible to have actionbutton automatically show/hide/resize/move depending on combat conditions. For instance, you can no longer have a large Overpower button in the center of the screen pop up everytime your opponent dodges. It's is possible to dim the button, so it appears almost transparent, and then make it fully lit when Overpower can be used, but the button will be there all the time, not possible to fully hide it.
* It is still possible to make bars/buttons show or hide by the press of a button, or if you move the mouse over an area.
* It's no longer possible for the actionbars to automatically change bars depending on your distance to your target.
* It's possible to make actionbars automatically change on Prowl and Shadowform.

Bag frame replacements:
Will still work, but will require rewrites.

Movement addons:
Addons that move around with existing frames will still work in the expansion.
There are some minor restrictions, in that the secure frames (action buttons, unit frames etc - frames that can target or cast spells) are locked down during combat (can still be moved if dragged, but not by using SetPoint or similar functions), meaning you'll have to move them to their correct spots while out of combat.

Damage/healing/threat meters:
Will still work, with minor tweaks.
Damage and healing meters should work, without much trouble, since most of them just parse the combatlog, which will still be there.
Threat meters should also work, as soon as the authors have had time to test all the new spells, adjust for the new talents etc.

Information addons:
More or less all addons that do not cast spells, or do not change target, will work.
v2.0 even adds a lot of methods for retriving information, that previously required guesswork, combatlog parsing or another method.

Emergency Monitors:
In current form: will not work.
Due to the restriction, that you can't move or change attributes on secure frames while in combat, it's not possible to have an emergency monitor as it is now, where you can click it to select the person.
It's still possible to have a non-interactive list, and then you'll have to find the person yourself in the raid unit frames. It's even possible for the emergency monitor to mark the unit frame with a fat red border, if needed, but you'll still have to click the unit frame, and not the emergency list.

Since you cannot dynamically change targets anymore, macros such as this are no longer possible (CTRA used as example here):
/script CT_RA_Emergency_TargetMember(1)
/cast Flash Heal

item change addons:
Addons, that allow for a quick change of gear, will still work.

Warning, Timer etc addons:
Addons that show warnings for boss encounter in raids, show warnings about spells being cast, give timers for spells etc will all still work.

Auto select spell addons:
Addons like decursive, that automatically select a target and spell for you, will not work.
Addons, that automatically downrank for you, if the target doesn't need a full heal, will not work.
It's possible to set up some keybindings, that change the rank of your spells, but it's the player that has to initiate it.
For instance, possible to make an addon, where the +/- keys raises and lowers the rank, and then have a third keybinding that casts the spell.

Auction and Trade:
Addons that automatically place bids on auctions will no longer work. Placing a bid requires user interaction in 2.0.
Addons that automatically trade items to others will no longer work (for instance an automated water dispenser for mages). It's still possible for an addon to put items in the trade window, but user interaction is required to perform the actual trade.
#2 - Nov. 23, 2006, 4:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Great writeup! Would you mind also posting it on the 2.0 changes thread?
