Blizzard, why do you hate mages?

#0 - Sept. 2, 2006, 8:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Did that Burger King worker that spit in your coffee play a mage? Did a mage gank you when you walked into your first contested zone? Did a mage ninja that last dreadmist piece you needed (Because of course, a personafied Blizzard would play a warlock)? Is being able to conjure food and water (the only practical reason to have a mage around) that overpowered?

Most classes are getting some form of buffs in the expansion, even if minor ones. Not so for mages, mages are being nerfed. Why, you asky? Why should a mage, an inferior version of a warlock (a mage is essentially a warlock that cannot cast dots, does not have a pet, has generally inferior tiered equipment, and of course lacks overpowered abilities such as nerfcoil) be nerfed in the expansion while the unquestionably most overpowered class be buffed?

For those that do not know, mage threat reduction talents are being hit by the nerf bat in the expansion, they are being hit hard. Both Burning Soul and Frost Channeling are having their threat reduction nerfed from 30% to 10% in the expansion. Why is Blizzard doing this? Well, see, mages have wanted invisibility since it was taken away from them during the beta; however, blizzard was faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, Blizzard hates mages (why, we do not know, but this is obviously an indisputable truth), on the other hand, they like money. Blizzard likes money a lot. A real lot. So Blizzard was forced to implement invisbility in the expansion. However, Blizzard was immediately faced with another dilemma. If Blizzard made invisibility useful, there might be a reason to play a mage instead of a warlock, and we cannot have this. So what did Blizzard do? They made the only practical use (besides going "weeee i'm invisbile for 3 seconds, weeeee") for invisibility an agro wipe. However, in response to this, they nerfed mages existing threat reduction.

So what is the point of invisibility? Please, if you are going to nerf our existing threat reduction take it back, we don't want it (I know some retarded mage who wants to go "weeee I'm invisible for 3 seconds, weeee" is going to say speak for yourself, I want it. But you don't count.). Instead of actually having decent threat reduction on par with a rogue, we now have to wait around for invisibility to tick in (Games are fun. When I play games, Blizzard wants me to sit around and do nothing. Does that mean sitting around and doing nothing is fun?) if we actually want to be able to fulfill our class role, to dps. Blizzard, I understand that you hate us, but we are tortured enough having a class in Warlocks that simply have to look at us to kill us, we do not deserve this.

Oh, and Blizzard, one more question. Why do you hate mages?

((For those that did not want to read, my point is essentially this: They could not, or did not want to, give invisibility a practical use, so instead they made it do something we already had the ability to do, and simply nerfed the previous abilities.))
#36 - Sept. 2, 2006, 9:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
OP, you set the dinner table with ad hominem arguments, here. I'm glad you learned something today about what they are, so that perhaps you can engage in a little more self-evaluation.

Your post was a waste of everyone's time that replied, especially yours.

This is also why you aren't getting a reply from me that actually deals with any issues of threat reduction for Mages. You wouldn't understand or agree, simply because you are under the delusion that one abstract group hates another abstract group.