Running lowbies through instances.

#0 - Feb. 14, 2007, 1:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I get noobs whispering me all the time asking me to run them in various instances. In particular, there are two people that do it CONSTANTLY. I mean, every time they're on they will whisper me asking for a run through SM or RFD. These guys have also been around lev 35-45 for about two months. They are on every day for hours at a time and never seem to level. I have also seen them begging in the Orgrimmar and Barrens general chat for people to run them in these instances. They never offer to pay anyone and they insist on getting all the drops.

Since I'm nice to lowbies, I ran them through RFK until they got that axe the first boss drops. They told me they had a quest to go to the end. That takes only a few minutes, so I figured why not. I run them to the end, they got their axe and quest. They should be happy. I was wrong. They BEGGED me to run them in RFD until they leveled. I told them I had something to do and switched to my alt. Two hours later, I log back into this character and these guys are STILL on. Only this time, I see them begging all 55+ people in Orgrimmar. They also sent me a tell about 10 minutes after I got on.

How do you guys handle people who beg for instance runs besides making them pay you or give you half the drops? Also, these guys are not mean at all and they are very literate. They do not speak in n00bish and they do not cuss out the people who say no so I can't really report them for harassment.

Also, my ignore list is full and I don't plan on not ignoring anyone to free up spots. So don't tell me to /ignore them.
#2 - Feb. 14, 2007, 1:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
If I'm free to help someone, and I don't feel that I'm being taken advantage of, I'll gladly lend a hand to another. With that being said though, I'd much rather give my free time to the player who didn't ask than he (or she) who has made himself (or herself) a beggar in a fictional game universe.

To answer your question directly, however -- I'd politely inform the begging player that I wasn't interested in helping them, and that I wish them luck. I've done it time and time again.