The Elven races sure are falling apart.

#0 - March 21, 2007, 2:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So i'm level 59 now, and just finished the quest in Eastern Plaguelands where you have to kill a whole bunch of High Elves and steal a book. I then got to thinking, "why?". Why am I killing my own race? Just because my eyes are green and theirs arent? That also made me think back at the other quest I did in the Hinterlands, again killing more high elves and burning their documents.

Like many, i'm also aware of the situation in Outland, what with the Scryers vs Kael'thas. As a protection paladin, i'm planning on allying with the Scryers > Aldor, which will mean i'll be doing my fair share of battle against more of my kin.

As for the Night Elves, dont get me started. I kill plenty of those every day just for being on the opposite side. :)

In conclusion, elves sure like killing each other.
#53 - March 21, 2007, 4:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It's the same as in any world history: things happen, lines are crossed, alliances are forged and hatreds of even your own kind are created just to prove a point or force others to a way of thinking.

Orcs are also at war between various tribes. Humans are as well. Should we point out the disconnect between the Trolls too? Even the Undead fight among their own, divided by those who follow the Lich King and those who follow Sylvanas; the mindless undead vs. the awakened if you will.

It is the way of things when societies form and fracture after a series of events.