The new targeting - bad idea

#0 - May 29, 2007, 7:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Just posted in the bug forum and saw several other similar posts all dealing with the new targeting system. Basically someone decided that we should no longer be able to target a mob that is not in line of sight. So this new targeting mechanic has been implemented. As a result, lots of mobs that should be in line of sight are not targetable because of things like invisible walls (to keep a person from falling off ledges and the like.
I don't know what making the mobs not in LOS adds to the game. It certainly doesn't make the experience more fun. And the bugginess of it really detracts from any perceived usefulness. I've read that it also causes the system to render everything twice, once for graphics and once for targeting, ultimately resulting in a loss of framerates. Again, this really doesn't make any sense.
I suggest and request that we just go back to the old mechanic. Allowing us to target through wall would both remove the bugs and remove some of the tedium from the game upping the enjoyment factor (that's why we play games, at least most of us).

Anyone else out there agree? If you disagree, I'd really be interested in finding out why - I'm open to being convinced otherwise.

#68 - May 30, 2007, 6:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The various targeting issues being reported in this thread are being investigated, as no intentional changes were implemented. Thanks, everyone -- we'll keep you posted.