World of Warcraft Survey!!

#0 - Jan. 14, 2007, 11:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Directions: Quote or copy and paste the original post and erase the all the options but the one that best fits you or fill in the blank.

1) How far have you progressed in the game?

a) Low level, casual play time.
b) Low level, hardcore play time.
c) Mid level, casual questing and casual play time
d) Mid level, constant questing, hardcore playtime
e) High level, casual play time (casual raiding)
f) High level, constant playing (no raiding)
g) High level, hardcore raider (75% attendance or higher, not molten core)

2) What is your current ingame play time on your main character or former retired main character?

Days, hours, minutes, days: ___________________

3) Are you currently employed.

a) Yes b) No

4) If yes to question 3, how many hours a week?

Hours/Shift _______

a) Full time b) Part-time c) Seasonal temp.

5) What was your overall average last semester?

a) Less than 50 percent.
b) 50 to 59 percent.
c) 60 to 69 percent.
d) 70 to 79 percent.
e) 80+ percent.

6) If you can recall, what was your overall average just before you began to play WoW.

a) Less than 50 percent.
b) 50 to 59 percent.
c) 60 to 69 percent.
d) 70 to 79 percent.
e) 80 percent +.

7) How many hours a week to you play WoW?

a) Less than 15 hours
b) 15 to 25 hours
c) 25 to 35 hours
d) 35 to 45 hours
e) 55+ hours

8) What is your favourite subject area in school?

a) Technology d) Languages
b) Arts e) Social sciences
c) Math/Science f) other: _____________

9) How do you feel about the following statement? "World of warcraft is not a drug, you cannot
be addicted to it. It's a frame of mine that you become familar too and is a choice I make, I can
turn away from the computer desk whenever I want."

a) Strongly agree
b) Strongly disagree
c) Neutral or unsure.
d) Agree
e) Disagree

10) How old are you?

a) 12 to19
b) 20 to 29
c) 30 to 39
d) 40 to 49
e) 50+

11) What is your gender?

a) Male b) Female

Post any questions or concerns if you like :)

Thank you for your particaption!
#4 - Jan. 14, 2007, 11:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I heard they asked if you'd buy a dongle .....

I want a dongle ....

You listening Blue? Send me the survey. I want a dongle.

Say dongle again.