First person or 3rd

#0 - Oct. 11, 2006, 4:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
My friend and I have had a disagreement on how the majority of people play WoW.

I say Most users tend to use a 3rd person point of view.
He claims the majority of people play in first person.

I would kinda like to get a feel of how many users use each.....
#13 - Oct. 11, 2006, 5:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
World of Warcraft wasn't really designed to be played in first person. First person was put in though so that people could get the full effect of the scenery around them and experience it but the mechanics of it aren't as optional as third person.

I used to play only first person in a lot of games (minus fps' which should be in first person :) ) and now I don't know how I did it, especially when it came to PvP. It's just better to be able to see around you and behind you in third person so you can react to what is happening.