Last boss of Ramparts too hard?

#0 - Jan. 26, 2007, 2:40 a.m.
Blizzard Post
not sure if anyone else feels the same way but i've been having a real hard time with the last boss of the ramparts, Vuzruden. i've been there at least 7 times and have only completed it once. should Blizz treak the encounter a bit?
#16 - Jan. 26, 2007, 2:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I would agree that it can be difficult, but it really forces some amount of coordination and strategy that I think goes a long way in preparing players for more involved encounters if they hadn't been before.

Omor (the Doomguard) is actually a bit too easy right now and unless decisions have been reversed we will be increasing his difficulty slightly so that the instance doesn't seem like you're hitting a single brick wall, but instead as a more steady increase in difficulty.

As the instance is short and the encounter is definitely something most groups are completing with the proper strategy and knowledge of the encounter we're not currently looking at adjusting the difficulty for Vazruden. It's more difficult with a PUG (of course) as some of those in your group may either have not seen the encounter before, or really just don't understand it. In that way, as I said earlier, it forces players to adapt to a larger encounter mentality that isn't just to DPS them down as fast as possible like they may be used to.

From my own experience of running the instance with pick ups the number one wipe causer is people standing still. It's an encounter that requires everyone to keep moving, especially the tank.

Good luck, you'll get more attempts, and it never hurts to quest and come back a level or two later.
#198 - Jan. 26, 2007, 4:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
not sure if anyone else feels the same way but i've been having a real hard time with the last boss of the ramparts, Vuzruden. i've been there at least 7 times and have only completed it once. should Blizz treak the encounter a bit?

I've heard people saying they have had a hard time with this boss before and honestly, I can say I've only died to this boss or had a wipe once back in beta. I couldn't say for sure what is the difference between what your group is doing and mine really since we have never really strategized and I've done it both with a pug and with people I know as well.

I can say that most of the people I have done it with have good gear and some fire resist that may be making the difference. I've done this on a priest before and I stand way back on the bridge and heal from there rather than getting in close and getting flamed when I can help it.

It can be done and I know you'll figure it out. I wish you nothing but the best of luck.