Will Priest get more love?

#0 - Oct. 23, 2007, 7:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Will priest be getting any more love in 2.3 or will we be waiting for the expansion
#11 - Oct. 23, 2007, 7:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Will priest be getting any more love in 2.3 or will we be waiting for the expansion

You're not the only class that is asking about "what else can we expect" and currently, there isn't anything more we can say. The latest changes are in the patch notes and as more changes are made and added, we'll add them into the patch notes. There is still the possibility of more changes and additions so long as we are in testing on the test realm, but that doesn't guarantee that specific class changes that people are asking for will occur.

We'll definitely let people know as more things are added in though.
#38 - Oct. 23, 2007, 8:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Not trying to by picky, but I do not believe Neth's statement is correct. . The latest 2.3 changes went on the PTR last Friday, yet the patch notes still are not updated. Hortus has a post called updated 2.3 patch notes dated 10/22, but the most of the actual changes that went in on Friday are not documented in these new patch notes.

As an example, Shadowstep now has a 30 sec cooldown on the PTR, but is still listed as 40 seconds in the latest 2.3 patch notes. There are many other changes that are also not included in the latest patch notes.

It does annoy me that changes go onto the PTR, yet a list of changes does not appear for days or weeks afterwards, which forces players to figure them out as they play or search other sites for unconfirmed (by Blizz anyway) changes. It leaves players to guess on if changes are 'intended' or just defects. I know that Blizzard knows what things are changed, so I'm not sure why it takes so long to update the patch notes.

I don't mind picky. It's easy to miss changes such as numbers within some of the notes. If you look at them in a word document, they run about 13 pages long. They are constantly changing with each push of the patch. It's a constant effort to continually update them and get them out not only to the community but to all of the regions that serve our communities so that they can be translated. We are constantly working to try to get them as up to date and as accurate as possible for release. Unfortunately, we are human and things can get missed. We'll keep getting them updated though.
#110 - Oct. 24, 2007, 3:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Ever thought about using a wiki instead of a word document for internal documentation?

And... arn't you the person who really hates this class in question? Something about a big hammer in your face.

Gromthar, I don't discuss internal methods, sorry. :) As for hating any particular class? No. Sorry. I don't have any particular bias. Sometimes jokes get taken way too seriously around here. ;)
#114 - Oct. 24, 2007, 4:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Of course not, just like how no Blue actually plays a priest as their main in both PVE or PVP.

Probably all warriors, locks or druids (resto)

I often tell people that my priest is really a rogue. They never seem to buy it though. I think the robe gives it away.
#117 - Oct. 24, 2007, 4:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Screenshot or its a lie because the last Blue who played a priest, did not participant in PVP events.

If you PVP, i would like to see your Rankings in Arena.

These things you ask, aren't going to happen. Sorry. ;) Eyonix has admitted to playing a Priest as well, but it's true, he doesn't PvP too often. No matter what, our experiences as individuals will not always match up with yours much the same as two people on the forums can have completely opposing views about the same exact topic. I can share that I've had a character on a PvP realm since release if that helps ease your troubled mind. I'm not going to give up the anonymity of my characters though, since that can't lead to anything good.
#137 - Oct. 24, 2007, 5:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Because no one on the team seems

I thought this was important to bring up. Seeming, and actuality are two different things. I try to share my personal experiences on occasion, but I need to be careful that people don't take it as a company stance. I also tend to not share all of my experiences just in case someone figures out who I am in game. ;) I can say I've been in every BG, every arena, SSC, Tempest Keep, Gruul's Lair, Kara among other things as well.

We'll keep reading and forwarding feedback to the Development team. Just remember, we may not always agree and there is a larger picture that needs to be taken into account as well.