How Exactly Is Honor Estimated?

#0 - Dec. 4, 2007, 7:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Well recently I noticed that the estimations for honor are way off more so than usual after the patch. So I'm wondering how exactly does Blizzard or the game determine how much honor Im suppose to get. Honestly not fun when the estimation says ~9102 and the next day you see you only received 6998, which then makes me have to wait another day to purchase a piece because I didn't receive the honor I was suppose to get or even close to it.
#4 - Dec. 4, 2007, 7:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There are diminishing returns on honor when killing the same opponent. With each kill (of the same opponent) the honor gain is reduced by 10%. After 10 kills that opponent is no longer worth any points until the next day. While we record those diminishing returns we don't calculate them at the time they occur, as it would require a large amount of server resources to accomplish. We've made improvements in this area of course, and will continue striving towards continual improvement of all in-game systems.

If you're in games with the same opponents over and over it's likely your estimate could be much higher than the honor you actually receive. Obviously though the bonus honor is added and doesn't have to be calculated, so that portion of your honor gains are "guaranteed".

There are some UI mods that track the diminishing returns client-side, which is a bit messy and not something we've found to be a solid solution for us to implement, but they do work well enough and can give you a good view of your honor as you gain it.
#16 - Dec. 4, 2007, 7:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

And what about that bug that appear everytime you change zones after you complete a BG daily quest? Everytime you change zone, your estimated honor get an additionnal +419 honor which is obviously not counted the next day. I've seen multiple people talking about that bug, i hope it will be fixed for the next patch because it is annoying. My estimated and real honor gain were always about the same before 2.3, but now there is always a difference of over 400 honor.

I like to call that the "lol psych!" bug, it's known, and slated to be corrected in an upcoming patch. It is a bit annoying I agree.