Why Isn't (gold spammer X) Shut Down Yet?

#0 - April 26, 2007, 9:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I know it's a very difficult process to stop gold sellers, but I wonder why one with the level of shameless audacity displayed by [Removed] is still running so strong, and continuing to spam us all to death with their tells. I can never remember a time before in the 2.5 years of WoW where I regularly recognized an obnoxious gold seller, let alone one that sends out tells so frequently.

I'm not posting this observation as a criticism of Blizzard, but just because I'm seriously wondering: how are these guys getting away with this level of exploitation?

We've all noticed a major increase in the aggressiveness of gold seller/spammers in the past several months, and I would venture to say it feels like it has gotten even worse in the last few weeks. WoW has been popular for a long time, and gold selling has naturally been proliferated for a long time, yet never with the level of frequency and boldness that it is now. I used to get maybe one message in my inbox every few weeks or so. Now, if I logout and don't play for a couple days, I'll get an average of at least 5 messages from gold sellers. Additionally, practically everytime I am in Shadowmoon Valley for more than an hour, I'll get at least one spam tell specifically from [Removed].

It's like they're not even remotely afraid of being caught anymore, and it appears like they no longer have any reason to be afraid, because they are obviously still in bussiness. If there is just one thing--one thing I wish that could be changed about WoW right now, it's the crazy amount of spam that's coming from gold sellers. It used to be a matter of getting the occasional message and reporting it to Blizzard. Now it's so prolific that it's just not even worth going through all the effort--because I'll spend more time attempting to report all these yahoos than actually playing the game.

What's to be done?
#66 - April 26, 2007, 11:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
By all means we do encourage discussion of this topic, Mordreus; however, as you've noted, it's better not to use the names by which these companies advertise for themselves. While I'm fully aware a good portion of the player base know which company is being discussed, regularly referring to them by name on our public forum is undoubtedly a form of advertisement.

I welcome you to read the following post and continue discussion of the matter here: https://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=89410606&postId=892926506&sid=1#6