Mystical Skyfire Diamond in 2.3

#0 - Oct. 23, 2007, 6:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There still has been no mention by Blue of the nerf to the Mystical Skyfire Diamond meta gem. Is the 45 second hidden cd being looked into? The only feedback coming from the ptr indicates that this cooldown is entirely too long and renders the gem useless.

This is an issue of importance to many players, perhaps most of all mages who use the gem in both pve and pvp. Furthermore, the nerf of the gem makes missile spam no longer a viable pve spec, effectively pidgeon holing Mages into high fire after they abandon two piece tier 5 and move into tier 6 raid gear.

I realize that mages "whine" a lot, but I would really like to see an answer about this. Is the 45 second cd on this meta gem going to make it to live? Is the arcane pve spec being looked into, seeing as how it requires certain gear gimmicks in order to be viable?
#3 - Oct. 23, 2007, 7:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It's an intended change, it was ultimately a correction in an original oversight that the gem didn't have a cooldown associated with its effect. The chance has been increased though, so when the cooldown is up it's more likely to proc sooner, but in the end it's an intended nerf.