Blizzard leak more about classes in WotLK

#0 - May 16, 2008, 9:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I don't pay much attention to the articles or the hype about what's currently out there for WotlK. I've read enough about about it various post. It's great and all that Blizzard is tooting there own horn about 1 class. But what I want to know why should any player care (i.e. Blue sell us) about the original classes in WotLK. In my case, Shaman class. What will change to make the game less like the World of Lemmingcraft? Will Blizzard quit forcing raid specs on people based on drops? How will we not get board with mindless hours of the same dribble once we reach lvl 80? Will PvP ever become balanced for all specs and FUN?
#1 - May 16, 2008, 9:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We're not ready to give information on classes yet. We'll get there though.