It's like seeing my ex again.

#1 - March 24, 2016, 4:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I know it's yet another whine thread, I know the majority of you blizzard butt crack sniffing white knights don't care. I know no one of importance will read this, I know that my opinion in a sea of millions counts for diddly. I know I won't be missed.

I know now that the game is going in one direction, I don't like it but that doesn't matter, it won't change.

The game is just getting dumbed down so much and essentially the unique things that make WoW what it is are being stripped away. I know you fanboys love the game so much now but ask yourselves, if it was so bad way back when, why did it have more subscribers?

I've played the game coming up to one month now, I made a new account having quit previously at the end of TBC. Yes I rage a lot because quite frankly the game has gone to !@#$. Positive changes I can use the amount of fingers on one hand to count.

1. LFG tool (not LFR)
2. Transmorg (to some extend.. still 50/50 about this one.)
3. Race / class diversity. (F**k pandas)
4. I'll let you know when I've thought of it.

So they took away talents, huge mistake. Even though there were the standard cookie cutter builds people used to follow, it was better than the even more standard, even less customization cess pool that is talents now.

Gems and enchants taken away. Cannot get my head around this at all. Part of getting better gear was taking pride in making it the best.. what else is gold useful for if not to spend improving yourself. This also killed professions which were fun, a good honest way to farm and a traditional part of most MMO's.

New content is cheesier than a bag of cheetos. Pandas, ridiculous mounts for the sake of adding more. Poorly designed armour and weapons. Come on guys.. why do you see so many people rocking around with TBC / WotLK transmorgs? Because armour and weapons were beautifully designed and content appropriate back then.

Zombie casual mentality. I've played for around 1 month now, I've got almost all the best PvP gear, I've done every raid through LF raid and I'm bored. I was bored two weeks ago. There is no incentive for me to try and progress my character whatsoever. If I want to kill a boss I'll press two buttons and wham bam.. 20 minutes later end of content cutscene. Underwhelming doesn't even cover it. Zero sense of teamwork, no progression through minions, underlings, councils to get that final epic fight.

The game is just boring, I won't be subscribing, I paid overall about £20 to get up to WoD expansion and one month game time, seemed like a bargain at the time.. Now? Well it seemed it was good value but I won't be paying more.

Now they want to take our spells away so we literally and I mean literally can just roll our face over the keyboard and do absolutely fine.

There is no difficulty level, there is nothing to aspire to when playing these days. Everyone can get everything. And that is not a good thing.

All this makes me mad, WoW was a truly epic experience back in Vanilla and TBC, it was the greatest game I ever played or ever will play. The feeling it gave me raiding through T5/T6 was unreal. Now I am devastated that I've come back to the game and that experience has been tarnished.

I'll leave you with this thought.

Imagine having to move country when you were 18 and having to break up with your ex, she's beautiful, virtuous, a cheerleader, she has prospects.. it's the worst break up, you're devastated.

You move on.

5 years later you're back in town and you decide to track her down, you get an address and go visit her. She's now obese, blackened teeth, smoking, pregnant and has 2 kids screaming in the back that you can see. She smells bad and you notice empty cans of Special Brew rolling around on the floor.

That's how I feel about WoW and that is why I thank you for giving me Vanilla + 5 expansions + one month game time for £20 and in around 2 days time when my free month is up... Adios.
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#30 - March 25, 2016, 11:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
While we're happy to hear feedback and thoughts in regards World of Warcraft, both positive and negative, it's worth keeping in mind that dismissing anyone who disagrees as a (taking the most polite example) "fanboy" is not a productive, or constructive, discussion.