C'mon Blizz ... are we doing this AGAIN?

#1 - April 23, 2016, 8:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I"m trying to be supportive, I really am.

But looking at this image from MMO showing Order Hall upgrades with an option to "instantly complete" a world quest just blows my mind.


Wasn't this one of the biggest problems with Garrisons? Sending followers out to do things while we just clicked a garrison mission table?

How is this different? Why do we need "instant completion" of content that is designed for us to actually egage in? Don't you see that you are neutralizing your own content again and removing the need to go out into the world and complete things?

Man. I am so frustrated seeing this.
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#7 - April 23, 2016, 8:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Currently this ability only works on a small amount of World Quests - those akin to a daily quest. Does not work on dungeons, rare elites, bosses, etc.

With that in mind, continued feedback is welcome!
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#177 - April 24, 2016, 10:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/24/2016 11:12 AMPosted by Reactable
So the point is that you you guys thought this would be the end all be all resource dump since there really aren't any compelling rewards? Honestly I wish the team would've just decided to unlock the upgrades through quests rather than currency. Or am I missing some information?

The primary source of Order Hall Resources is doing quests. We'll be laying out the details of Legion's endgame structure as we get closer to release - it feels premature to publish a blog on the subject while we're still iterating on exactly how all the pieces fit together, as well as tuning. But Legion has at least as much max-level outdoor content as Mists of Pandaria did, except with a different structure (world quests complemented by one-time story moments) that lets us offer more player choice and day-to-day variation, to avoid some of the pitfalls of Mists, where we heard player feedback about repetition and burnout.

As for the subject of the thread, yeah, as Muffinus noted above, this is one of many different perks that you can unlock (or not), and is intended to offer a small time-saving convenience. If anything, it may end up being undesirable because of its limitations, and we wouldn't be willing to buff it to the point where it'd be truly "strong" because that would cut directly against the value, expressed many times here in this discussion, of actually going out and adventuring. We'll see how it plays out in further testing.