[Feedback] Flightpaths

#1 - April 15, 2016, 4:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
While flightpaths will eventually be pretty useless once we get flying back, while questing and leveling they play a big role.

Currently if you fly from Dalaran to anywhere on the map it always sends you to "Sylvan Falls, Highmountain" first and then proceeds to fly from there. This is noticeable mainly when flying to places in Azsuna and Stormheim where Flightpaths take much longer when Dalaran could make it easier on their poor Gryphon's wings by taking a more direct route over the ocean =P

Edit: On a slight side note but related, Stormheim flightpaths are broken because you can't fly to and/or from "Valdisdall, Stormheim" because it thinks Talonrest should have a required flightpath.
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#2 - April 15, 2016, 4:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Final continent wide taxi pass is in progress right now. This should be improved soon™ :)