Affliction Warlock Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr

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#1 - April 13, 2016, 7:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please feel free to reply to this thread with feedback you have on this specialization in the most recent version of the Legion Alpha.

You'll find class designer notes on this build here.

This thread and subforum are for class feedback. We may not be attentive to other threads on this subject. Please confine discussion in this thread to issues related to this spec only.

Thank you!
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Game Designer
#20 - April 18, 2016, 8:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/18/2016 01:14 PMPosted by Gahhda
Not entirely feedback, but there's no good place to ask this and it effects future feedback so:

Can we get a confirmed value on agony's soul shard proc rate for affliction? In previous expansions the information was available in spell data on the nightfall passive, but there doesn't seem to be any spell data for agony's proc rate anymore.

I did a couple thousand tick test awhile back and got an estimate around 13.5% but any modeling of the spec will be estimation without spell data or a confirmed value.

Similar to before, it's a ramping proc chance. The first tick, it's 2.5%. Assuming that fails to proc, next tick it'll be 5%, then 7.5%, etc. When it does proc, the next tick returns to 2.5%.

So in a general sense, its proc rate is: TicksSinceLastSuccessfulProc * 2.5%

That averages out to ~13.15%, but much smoother and reliable that a simple 13.15% proc chance.
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#22 - April 18, 2016, 11:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/18/2016 02:33 PMPosted by Yahzarah
Now that we got some Blue posting in Affliction feedback thread. Can we get an explanation to the Legion re-design of Unstable Affliction spamming. I've leveled a 3rd Affliction lock on alpha, and I am already seeing myself incredibly bored and unappealed with this weird focus of spamming Frostbolt---I mean UA.

Sidenote: I play 3 Aff locks on live, I need to know if I have the tolerance to fast level 3 Aff locks at launch.

Anyways... Was this design solely made on paper, and not exercised prior to presenting it to the Affliction Warlock playerbase? I don't feel like a warlock, I feel like a Frost Mage. I love the talent tree, it has so much potential depth. I love the tanky-ness, does give me a more resilient. That UA spamming though... I don't know how long I can muster playing that style of DPS. One of the reasons I rolled out of Mage in p1.8 and embraced the Affliction in 1.9. ALL HAIL! THE ONE TRUE GOD, FOREDOOMED!

I've heard this feedback many times, and have yet to have it make any sense. As far as gameplay goes, you do something like one UA every ~8sec (single target). That doesn't really jive with the 'spamming UA sucks' feedback. You may very well do several back to back, but then go a long period with casting none. So where is this 'spamming UA sucks' feedback coming from?
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Game Designer
#35 - April 19, 2016, 2:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Is the ramping soulshard proc chance on agony different for each individual agony or is it based on all agony's you have out?

All Agonys you have out.