Why does Blzzard keep treating us as morons?

#1 - Oct. 20, 2015, 7:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Had a 87 Warlock wasnt in the mood to panda'him'up again so decided to use the 90 level boost...

The Good: got some nicer bags, some more or less nice gear, a very small boost to trade skills.

The Bad: all the stuff on the bags and my old gear got into the mail (like replacing bags in wow does that.) got teleported to the new portal (like I wanted to be there now)and got 3/4 of my skills all of my talents "Temporary Locked" and will only have acess to glyphs when the garrison will be done !

Oh yes I am sure that taking away every choice from the player, leaving me stranded somewhere (even the heartstone was locked to the place I was !) is the Blizzard version of FUN !!

Now if it was a NEW character I could (barely) understand that the average (moron) wow player could have difficulties (oh yes there are some guys like that I think, or else this is the Blizzards excuse to be morons) in being "overwelmed" for the number of skills but this was NOT the case.

I do like MY characters the way they are and do like to have the choice of doing things in my onw time.

Honestly now I dont fell like playing a moronic nerfed version of my warlock.

Thanks again Blizzard GREAT WORK !!!
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#26 - Oct. 21, 2015, 8:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As Shammoz noted, the boost works in a way to ease players into the class they've just boosted. Players of all skill levels and backgrounds, some much newer to the game than others, make use of the Character Boost. This means that spells and abilities are unlocked over the course of doing the very short Tanaan Jungle "Welcome to Draenor!" questline and setting up your Garrison.

If you have any thoughts or feedback concerning the functionality of the boost, we're happy to listen to constructive suggestions. But as this thread isn't really being productive, I'm going to nip it in the bud here.