Other uses for Oil, Shipyard Feedback

#1 - Aug. 11, 2015, 3:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am now swimming in oil - would be nice if you could purchase seals or trade goods with it from the trading post much like resources.

Some things that weren't fun about the Shipyard:

1. Needing treasure missions only to complete reqs for next rank in Shipyard... I was 23/25 for a couple of days before one popped up.

2. Having treasure missions gated behind long blockade missions - at times, the only missions worth doing in my shipyard I couldn't do until I removed the blockade. Long blockade mission to get to long treasure mission = boooo.

3. Right now my board is covered up in missions that have zero appeal to me - 500xp and the like - would be nice to have some low gold or GR missions in place of those (think the 30 or 50 gold /resource mission from the garrison board).

4. Oil seemed hard to get when I needed it and easy to get when I didn't - maybe have the rig available earlier?

Just my two cents - I have loved everything about WoD to this point and am super excited for Legion
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#3 - Aug. 11, 2015, 3:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/11/2015 08:18 AMPosted by Cättleclysm
08/11/2015 08:10 AMPosted by Vanthernaux
I am now swimming in oil

There's plenty of water in and around Draenor... and you're swimming in Oil?

Trolls can be an odd lot.

Thanks for the feedback.