Money Back or compensation...

#0 - Aug. 10, 2009, 11:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I for one do not care of Blizzards locks this thread cause they sure as heck am not even responding to the thread they are pointing everyone too. It has been almost a week since the patch and the problem with instances continue.

It has been MORE than 24 hours I have all in all stood around trying to get into the instance so I am requesting that additional time be added to my account since I do pay good money in order to play the full content of the game.

Blizzard is lucky I am not living in United States because there I would sue them for breach of contract because they have not fulfilled their part of the arrangement.

Fix the servers or start giving out free days all around....
#41 - Aug. 11, 2009, 8:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We are working hard to resolve the Instance Capacity issue by of modifying our hardware setup to allow for more instances to be active, however it does require some time before these modifications will be complete.

The best way for you to letting us know how you feel about this issue is to post your feedback in the sticky thread dedicated to that issue:

Creating multiple threads on this topic will not resolve this issue any faster.