Patch 6.0 what happens to valor and justice

#1 - Sept. 4, 2014, 1:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
My question is what becomes of it . will we receive GOLD for the points or will they just stay on our currency page ???????
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#4 - Sept. 4, 2014, 6:34 p.m.
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09/03/2014 06:25 PMPosted by Akran
My question is what becomes of it . will we receive GOLD for the points or will they just stay on our currency page ???????

Justice and Valor will be going away in 6.0.2 with existing points being converted into gold. Details of the conversion and amount are still being determined.
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#10 - Sept. 4, 2014, 6:57 p.m.
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09/04/2014 11:44 AMPosted by Òdin
If we are going to lose valor can we have a way to convert it to justice before patch?I know there are people out there including myself who would like to have gear currently purchased with justice for transmogging purposes.

There are no plans to allow that. As others have mentioned, items that used to cost Justice or Valor will be changed to allow you to purchase them with gold instead.

Update: Not all items that used to cost Justice Points will be converted as explained by Bashiok in the thread titled: Heirloom Vendor Change in Patch 6.0.2

09/16/2014 09:59 AMPosted by Bashiok
With the upcoming release of Patch 6.0.2, we’ll be sending the vendors who sell Heirlooms for Justice Points on a nice vacation.

As you might already be aware, both Justice and Valor Points are being removed as currencies from the game in 6.0.2. As we started to work on new ways to buy Heirlooms, we found that we were setting their value up for a rollercoaster ride. That's because we’re also working on a larger Heirloom system for a future patch, and we don’t want to introduce an interim pricing scheme that could temporarily devalue Heirlooms or limit how we’d be able to give them out in the future. Rather than make players face buyer’s remorse and hand-wringing decisions about when to buy, we’re going to give the Justice Heirloom vendors some time off while we work on improving the system as a whole.

One thing to note is that this change only affects vendors that sell Heirlooms for Justice. PvE Heirlooms will still remain available at the Darkmoon Faire and the Trial of the Crusader, and PvP Heirlooms will continue to be available for Honor.
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#39 - Sept. 5, 2014, 7:06 p.m.
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09/05/2014 10:40 AMPosted by Sniperstrike
09/04/2014 11:57 AMPosted by Rygarius
There are no plans to allow that. As others have mentioned, items that used to cost Justice or Valor will be changed to allow you to purchase them with gold instead.

So what's the going rate for Valor to Gold conversion?

That's still being determined.