FEEDBACK: Iron Docks (Normal)

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Game Designer
#1 - Aug. 10, 2014, 7:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please use this thread to post any feedback on the Normal mode of the Iron Docks dungeon.
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Game Designer
#2 - Aug. 12, 2014, 4:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This dungeon is now open - there's a known issue where the gate before Oshir will remain closed after his defeat. We're working on a hotfix now.
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Game Designer
#6 - Aug. 12, 2014, 6:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/12/2014 11:24 AMPosted by Faderoll
I'm not going to list any bugs here, because 99% of them are super obvious and I really don't want to insult the devs here

A lot of issues are fixed in our next build but we wanted to start getting some basic feedback on the experience - that said, it's always possible we've overlooked something, so feel free to insult away.
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Game Designer
#42 - Sept. 11, 2014, 2:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Iron Docks is once again open for testing.