Flying in WoD

#1 - July 2, 2014, 4:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Heya, After playing around in SMV. I can safely say. Please allow flying at max lvl. I am well aware, that I am not max lvl, but going off of SMV alone. It gets annoying to travel even with flying on taxi. I can see the fun "immersion" thing fading after one or two weeks of this.
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#309 - July 12, 2014, 1:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We still think a 6.1 patch seems like a pretty reasonable point where flying would become available in Draenor, likely with some kind of aforementioned prerequisite. Maybe it's gold, maybe it's some kind of epic quest, maybe something more straightforward. But we're staying open to changing that post-release if it seems like it's working out really well and we want to keep rolling with it. I'm digging that there seems to be a pretty reasonable mix of beta experiences here though. Definitely looking forward to feedback when we get to the max-level content too.