Arena Compositions

#1 - March 19, 2011, 10:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Being relatively new to arena (First season ^.^) I have found one thing to be hard to research in relation to arenas. Comps and their names/make ups.

Abilities spells and talents are only a google search away, but I haven’t had much luck without asking explicit questions about what a comp is made up of.

So, I figured I would pose the question to you all, and attempt to create a comprehensive list.
I plan to update the thread with corrections/additions as people post.

Melee Cleave – A comp that contains two Melee dps and a healer (example being TSG)

Spell Cleave – A comp that contains two Caster dps and a healer (Example being Shadowplay). Also refers to Ele/Destro/Hpally from S8.

RMP – Rogue/Mage/Priest. Sub/Frost/Disc

ShadowRMP – Rogue/Mage/Priest. Sub/Frost/Shadow

TSG – Warrior/DK/Pally. Arms/UH/Holy(Original). (Fury/Frost/Holy and Arms/Frost/Holy variations)

TreeSG – Warrior/DK/Druid. Arms/UH/Resto

Owlplay – Priest/Druid/Shaman. Shadow/Balance/Resto

Shattreeplay – Priest/Mage/Druid. Shadow/Frost/Druid

Shadowplay – Priest/Warlock/Shaman. Shadow/Aff/Resto

Shatterplay – Priest/Mage/Shaman. Shadow/Frost/Resto

KFC(Kung Fu Cleave) – Warrior/Hunter/Shaman(Can have other healer variants). Arms/MM/Resto

Beastcleave – Shaman/Hunter/Pally. Enhance/BM/Holy

PHD – Pally/Hunter/DK. Holy/MM/UH

Kittycleave – Pally/Druid/Warrior. Holy/Ferall/Arms

WLD – Warrior/Warlock/Druid. Arms/Aff/Resto

MLD – Mage/Warlock/Druid. Frost/Aff/Resto

!@# - Warlock/Shaman/Druid. Destro/Ele/Resto

LSD2 - Warlock/Shaman/Druid. Aff/Resto/Balance

Lumberjack Cleave - Warrior/Warrior/Pally. Arms/Arms/Holy

Man Cleave - Warrior/Warrior/Pally. Prot/Arms/Holy

Shadowcleave - DK/Lock/Healer. UH/Aff/Healer

Unholyplay - Priest/DK/Healer. Shadow/UH/Healer

RLS - Rogue/Warlock/Shaman. Sub/Aff/Resto

Kanye Cleave - Rogue/Shaman/Druid. Sub/Enhance/Resto

HRLS(Heroic RLS) - Rogue/Priest/Shaman. Sub/Shadow/Resto

WLS - Warrior/Warlock/Shaman. Arms/Aff/Resto

RRP - Rogue/Pally/Priest. Sub/Ret/Disc

Thug Cleave(Venom Cleave) - Hunter/Rogue/Healer. MM/Sub/Healer

Hogwart's Cleave - Mage/Mage/Shaman. Fire(Frost)/Frost/Resto

African turtle Cleave - Warrior/Hunter/Pally. Prot/MM/Holy

Scatter Play - Hunter/Priest/Shaman. MM/Shadow/Resto

Angelcleave - Pally/Priest/Shaman(Druid). Ret/Shadow/Resto

Boring Cleave - DK/Priest/Druid. UH/Disc/Resto (Has variants with replacing the druid with another healer)

Dispel Cleave - Warrior/Priest/Druid. Arms(Fury)/Disc/Resto

WMD - Warrior/Mage/Druid. Arms/Frost/Resto

WMP -Warrior/Mage/Pally. Arms/Frost/Holy

WMS - Warrior/Mage/Shaman. Arms/Frost/Resto

Shatterclaw - Mage/Shaman/Priest. Frost/Enhance/Disc (Might not be actual name)

Ebola Cleave - Druid/DK/Healer. Feral/UH/Healer

Original Cleave(First "Cleave") - Warrior/Shaman/Druid. Arms/Enhance/Resto

Turbocleave - Shaman/Warrior/Healer. Enhance/Arms/Healer

Mongolian Earthworm Cleave - Shaman/Druid/Pally. Enhance/Balance/Holy

Sheen Cleave - Rogue/DK/Shaman. Sub/UH/Resto

Batman Cleave(Thug Cleave with a Warrior or Power Cleave) - Rogue/Warrior/Healer. Sub/Arms/Healer

Liberty Cleave - DK/Mage/Priest. Frost/Frost/Disc

FMP - Druid/Mage/Priest. Feral/Frost/Disc

RPD - Druid/Priest/Rogue - Resto/Shadow/Sub

MLS - Mage/Lock/Shaman - Frost/Aff/Resto

Arthas Cleave - Dk/Dk/Healer - Frost/Frost/Healer

ShatterCleave - Mage/Shaman/Priest - Frost/Ele/Disc

Stealth Cleave - Rogue/Druid/Healer - Sub/Feral/Healer

RLD - Rogue/Lock/Druid - Sub/Aff/Resto

HLD - Hunter/Lock/Druid - MM/Aff/Resto

RDR - Rogue/Rogue/Druid - Sub/Sub/Resto

Spicy Chicken Cleave - Mage/Druid/Priest - Fire/Balance/Disc

Dancing With the Stars Cleave. Rogue/Druid/Healer - Sub/Boom/Healer

Thunder cleave - Warrior/Shaman/Healer - Arms/Ele/Healer

Smokebomb Cleave(Broken Arm Cleave) - Rogue/Dk/Healer - Sub/Frost or UH/Healer
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#263 - June 2, 2014, 10:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/07/2014 09:23 AMPosted by Deathbornx
We should make a new updated one. This one is from several years ago and I have not seen a lot of these comps since that time, and, frankly, it is quite a lot of names especially for comps that haven't been really viable for several seasons.

But whoever this guy is, he did some good work.

Agreed. There is a much more recent similar thread already stickied, and as this one hasn't been updated in over 2 years, I'd prefer we stick (hurrrr) to the more recent one.