Just be straight with us.

#1 - April 30, 2014, 8:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This whole flight/no flight thing has gotten out of hand. Bashioks post was vague and did not give a concrete answer one way or the other and that has done nothing but cause anguish on both sides.

Now that might have been done on purpose in hopes of feedback and getting a stance on where the player base stands but i will take a page from their own playbook and say the forums do not represent the majority.

I have stated my stance on the issue as others have and this is not what this thread is about. This is a simple plea as a customer asking for a straight yes or no answer to this question. Will flight be available at some point in warlords.
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#117 - April 30, 2014, 9:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/30/2014 01:06 PMPosted by Korolos
Will flight be available at some point in warlords.

Ok, ok, being perfectly honest... we don't know. In the same way we have no idea what the gearing model for the final tier of the expansion could be, because it's going to be based on testing, and playing, and seeing how the expansion plays out up to that point. We're open and willing to change the game as we go to make it the best it can be.

We don't know because we're open to feedback, and making changes based on that feedback.

Our current focus is to get the expansion into a state where you guys can help us start testing it. That testing will inform many, many decisions, and how the game plays when it's launched will inform how the first content patch is designed, and how that patch plays out will inform the second content patch, etc. etc. We'd rather be unsure and make the correct decisions when they need to be made, than make the wrong decisions and be too stubborn to change them.
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#127 - April 30, 2014, 9:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/30/2014 02:56 PMPosted by Eutychus
But hey...at least you kept your cool this time and didn't accuse a paying customer of being dishonest so kudos on that....I guess

o.O Pardon?
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#247 - April 30, 2014, 10:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/30/2014 03:01 PMPosted by Lysithea
04/30/2014 02:58 PMPosted by Bashiok

o.O Pardon?

I think this may have been a reference to your post about people wanting to see dishonesty when there is none there.

OH! Yeah that dude straight up said I was intentionally lying to people. That's just not cool.