Why don't Blizz help ?.

#1 - March 20, 2014, 9:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This will probably get locked but it needs to be said !

I am on Lightning's blade (EU) and have been since vanilla ,
It's always been horde heavy But now they merge karazhan another horde heavy server i was thinking damn they must be adding an alliance server soon ermmm nope they add another horde heavy server deathwing .
So to get to the point .We as alliance can't even farm on timeless isle cos at the moment there is a shed load horde per 1 alliance .
it's getting a total joke .
All blizz say either roll a new alt on a pve server Or pay to move !
Why the hell should i .
I have got 11 90's all with full maxxed trade skills so im totally self contained (had to be on this -server)
A lvl 25 guild and invested 9-10 years to them ,why should i pay to move on top of Subscription cost to fix their major math error .
I have hung on as long as i can ( i think 6 years is enough ) on the hope that blizz will help.

I have been begging blizz to help on this matter for 6 years and we get this ???

Some number's . (eu server's)
alliance horde Ratio Lightning's Blade CET PVP enGB 210 (15%) 1,183 (85%) 1 : 6.7
Karazhan CET PVP enGB 402 (30%) 935 (70%) 1 : 3
Deathwing CET PVPenGB 392 (23%) 1,331 (77%) 1 : 3.9

P.s to the people who like to rage on post's.
The number's are from "http://www.warcraftrealms.com/eu_realmstats.php" taken today so there not made up number's .

Please people we all need to get onboard thing's like this or blizzard will never help !.
Help Save wow for blizzard so they understand the player's Not there pockets before they turn it into a bigger dieing game and a even bigger " money pit " !
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#12 - March 20, 2014, 10:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The current plan is to add another realm to the Karazhan/Lightning’s Blade/Deathwing group, which will bring in many more Alliance players. I don't yet have any info on when exactly this will happen, but keep checking the Connected Realms thread (linked below) for the latest updates.

We take lots of factors into account when choosing which realms to connect, and we try to help with faction balance where possible. However, the simple fact is that there are more Horde players on EU PvP realms than Alliance players. The opposite is true for EU PvE realms, where Alliance players outnumber Horde players. Therefore, achieving a good faction balance on every realm isn't possible.

There's lots more info on this topic in the Connected Realms thread: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9582578502