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Community Manager
#506 - July 22, 2013, 9:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard has commented and locked a few of the pop-up icicles thread, but remains silent in this main one. This is a bad sign. This mastery completely breaks Frost mages in PVP and their silence is simply an acknowledgement that a revert will not occur, and Frost mages will have to wait until 6.0 (if ever) to be viable in PVP again.

Not even remotely the case. It's a sign that we're reading, considering, and discussing.
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Community Manager
#698 - July 23, 2013, 5:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The feedback from the community has been extremely vital to getting this new Mastery working well. Iteration is key to us, and Icicles are a perfect example of that.

Overall, we like the core concept of Icicles, and are refining things at this point. The next (or perhaps one after that) PTR build will include several revisions. The Frostbolt debuff is now “baked in” (meaning the debuff no longer increases damage taken, but the spells it modified now do more baseline damage), and Waterbolt no longer generates Icicles (with Mastery now increasing Waterbolt’s damage directly). We’re also speeding up the rate at which Icicles launch when triggered by Ice Lance, as well as a few other tweaks.

We look forward to more feedback from testing that next iteration on it. Thanks all.