Another week, another nerf

#1 - July 19, 2013, 12:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Glyph of Mending was reworked - Your Mend Pet now ticks every 1 sec, but the duration is reduced by 5 sec and it gains a 10 sec cooldown.

Yes hunters's that magical time of the week again! Another nerf!

We all know how hard Blizzard has been working over the past few months to try to remove hunters from the raiding scene, but in this weeks nerf they take aim at hunter soloing!

But fear not hunters! I can see the standard buff hawk, buff arcane shot solution yet again in our future. After all they have classes that they actually like to solve problems for to work on!
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#22 - July 19, 2013, 10:42 p.m.
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That datamined tooltip is incorrect. It's a buff, not a nerf.

    Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Mending now speeds up the periodic effect of Mend Pet to restore health to the pet every 1 second doubling the total amount healed over 10 seconds.
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#28 - July 19, 2013, 11:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
That datamined tooltip is incorrect. It's a buff, not a nerf.

    Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Mending now speeds up the periodic effect of Mend Pet to restore health to the pet every 1 second doubling the total amount healed over 10 seconds.

CD is still on the PTR last i heard, is this a confirmation that no CD will be in place?

Moreover are you guy planing on adjusting pet survivability and threat generation? or is it working as intended?

The plan is that the glyph will make the Mend Pet tick twice as fast, last the same duration effectively doubling the amount healed, and no cooldown. However, I must append the caveat that things on the PTR may be subject to change.

Regarding pet survivability and threat generation, is there another thread with more information on the topic?
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#33 - July 19, 2013, 11:35 p.m.
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07/19/2013 04:19 PMPosted by Bareflanks
Not directly, no. But it has come up in all of Bulletime's threads in the PTR forum. Basically hunter pets at the moment have less survivability than say warlock pets. Avoidance was nerfed 5.1 or 5.2 or something. Making hard hitting AoE mechanics especially difficult for hunter pets.

The change was in 5.2 for Spinning Crane Kick by Pandaren Rares to ignore Avoidance on all player pets. Before that, certain classes were able to ignore the mechanics for the fight, trivializing the encounter. The idea is that you're supposed to be aware of and pull the pet back when the AoE attack is happening.

Threat is a constant issue. Growl and Thunderstomp combined don't always keep or hold threat. Less of a problem for BM since pets get more threat via damage. Really problematic for Survival and Marks.

Currently killing groups of mobs in Barrens: I have to pre-Misdirect to the pet. Try to hit as many as possible with both Glaive Toss and Multi-shot to get all the initial threat on the direhorn. I frequently still pull aggro off anyway. So I try to Misdirect before any Multishot or Glaive. And periodically have to switch targets and misdirect via Arcane or Explosive shot.

With hard stuff like say Warscouts, I have to spam Misdirect/Mend Pet constantly to keep aggro on the pet and keep it alive. This is all on live, mind you.

I'll need to look into this more and don't have an answer for it at this time.
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#43 - July 20, 2013, 12:12 a.m.
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Threat is a constant issue. Growl and Thunderstomp combined don't always keep or hold threat. Less of a problem for BM since pets get more threat via damage. Really problematic for Survival and Marks.

Currently killing groups of mobs in Barrens: I have to pre-Misdirect to the pet. Try to hit as many as possible with both Glaive Toss and Multi-shot to get all the initial threat on the direhorn. I frequently still pull aggro off anyway. So I try to Misdirect before any Multishot or Glaive. And periodically have to switch targets and misdirect via Arcane or Explosive shot.

With hard stuff like say Warscouts, I have to spam Misdirect/Mend Pet constantly to keep aggro on the pet and keep it alive. This is all on live, mind you.

There's a change in 5.4 to the way that taunts work (including pet taunts) which should help address the concern with pets holding aggro.

  • All taunt type abilities now increase all threat generated against the target while the taunt is active by 200%.
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    #57 - July 20, 2013, 2:01 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    You're not helping the hunter cause Doublebull.

    If anything you're hurting it.

    That's not how the process works. This isn't a cause or popularity contest. One-sided dogmatic discussions don't give us much to work with and in extreme cases, it can become unworkable and would be counter-productive to your 'cause'.

    The pet threat issue is a good example of presenting information in a clear and objective manner.

    P.S. I can see whoever submitted those incorrect forum reports.
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    #58 - July 20, 2013, 2:05 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    07/19/2013 06:57 PMPosted by Whim
    I want my pet to handle more than one mob without me getting ready to FD and Revive it. Even then one mob has me spamming Mend Pet now. Heck, when I level an alt I actually use Feed Pet after mobs one or two levels higher. I don't want to be able to go out and solo world bosses or have it boss tank, I just want it to live long enough handle a few mobs in PvE and not be killed as fast in PvP.

    Please try the changes to taunt and Glyph of Mending out on the PTR, and let us know how it's working out.