Too many ninjars for the summer pet

#1 - June 21, 2013, 3:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Increase the spawn rate of the pet that spawns only in summer in Silithus please, with CRZ, there are just too many ninjars so there's no point even trying.

Alternatively is it possible to zone it with someone from the Venture-Co, where CRZ is banned, though get there over real id/btag to be able to get one, or will I be unable to phase in?
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#65 - June 21, 2013, 9:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Increase the spawn rate of the pet that spawns only in summer in Silithus please, with CRZ, there are just too many ninjars so there's no point even trying.

Alternatively is it possible to zone it with someone from the Venture-Co, where CRZ is banned, though get there over real id/btag to be able to get one, or will I be unable to phase in?

Or at the very least Blizzard, please turn off CRZ for Silithius for summer, okay, ty.

It's supposed to be fairly rare. The spawn rate is determined while factoring in things like zone population (including how many people are coalesced cross-realm). Competition is to be expected.

These are things to consider when frustrated by not catching a rare spawn within the first few hours it starts spawning for the season.
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#219 - June 22, 2013, 2:17 a.m.
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There's a difference between "supposed to be rare" and frustrating game design. Frustrating game design is saying we're ok with having 100's of people farming the same location for hours, days, months, years...etc...because...we want it to be rare. Not frustrating game design is when its rare but you're only competing with a few people because you chose a server to begin with that is not high pop - just medium.

You make a good point in your first couple of sentences, and that's something we're evaluating. That said, I don't agree with your conclusion that the "good game design" option is the one where the world is just under populated to the point that competition isn't much of a factor. Having low-pop realms wasn't a design decision -- it's a symptom of numerous variables. It's not acceptable for us to say that game design should be such that players can decide how rare something actually is by choosing the most accommodating realm to play on.

What we want to do is continue to ensure the world feels populated, but that seeing people around you doesn't always feel like a negative thing. You've seen some of this in the way we've been experimenting with mob tapping the last couple of patches. Seeing people from your own faction in the world, especially, should be more of a positive thing. It's part of the fiction that you're supposed to be allies, not nuisances to each other.

We don't have any specific plans to share for how we might change the way rare pet spawns work, though competition is likely to remain an inherent factor. But we'll continue to look for ways we can mitigate some of the annoyances of competing for some types of rare spawns with large numbers of players.

It's important to note, however, that tinkering with these types of design decisions requires a metaphorical scalpel, when most of the feedback we get is akin to demanding the use of a butcher knife. No, we're not going to hastily redesign entire systems in the game because people are interested in catching a rare spawn, and can't all seem to succeed within less than 24 hours out of the (approximately) 2160 hours it has a chance to spawn this year.
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#226 - June 22, 2013, 2:28 a.m.
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06/21/2013 03:04 PMPosted by Bomdanil
It's supposed to be fairly rare.

Why? What benefit is served by having open world pets be so difficult to find?

There are hundreds of pets out in the world, most of which are easily caught. Rarity is a big part of what makes some pets more valued and desirable than others.

Follow-up questions:

Do you need this one? Should everyone be entitled to obtain any pet in the world with ease?

If it's a pet that spawns during a 3-month window, what percentage of people who try to get it in the first 24 hours should succeed? Even if it's 99%, would this thread not still be filled with complaints from the 1% who keep failing?
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#229 - June 22, 2013, 2:33 a.m.
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"Seeing other people out in the world should be a good thing"

Whatever you say, guys. Whatever you say.

Your development, implementation, and intent are completely contradictory.

No, they're not. But development cycles are a lot more complicated than many people give credit for. When we share an evolving design philosophy, that doesn't mean the game's going to be entirely redesigned around that philosophy the next patch.