5.3 stealth Nerf to Champion seals

#1 - May 22, 2013, 4:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
What is the reason behind this nerf? Dont you think it took long enough to obtain all the seals you need already?
Im going for the 14 mounts atm, and its SO much work in the argent tournament to obtain all these seals, OVER 1k seals needed.
Getting aspiriant seals, valiant seals, champion seals and continuing to farm valiant seals...becoming champion with all factions, getting exalted with all factions, exalted with sunreaver, exalted with argent...
So much ridiculous work for all this and equipping that stupid lance to complete the quests and so on...most boring dailiy work ever created by you blizzard and now you removed the guaranteed seals from champion's purses, so !@#$ing stupid!
This is taking long enough already! when not yet being exalted and champion with everyone i now only got 5 guaranteed seals a day because of this nerf, and i need over 1k

This tops one of the most stupid stealth nerfs you've ever done
My god...the longest most boring daily work just got worse

A blue post on why this nerf happend would be nice...
Edit: Oh im sorry, its a stealth nerf, you never comment on stealth nerfs
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#14 - May 24, 2013, 7:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Thank you for the reports! We let the devs know about this yesterday, and they will be fixing it :)