5.3 World PVP = an unfortunate sacrifice?

#1 - March 26, 2013, 2:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
One minor concern would be World PvP. If the item level of PvP gear is only 496, PvE gear might be very dominant here. To be fair with you though, I'm not that bothered with World PvP in the first place, so don't mind this at all.
We are well aware that this is a concern that has arisen from players regarding the recently announced changes. While we understand that this is an unfortunate sacrifice for the overall betterment of PvP, we feel that this change will improve the state of both competitive and entry level PvP. This means that more players will be able to enter into PvP and as such increase to competition and the attractiveness of this fun and exciting area of the game.

This doesn't mean that world PvP and duels will be ignored. We definitely understand that players are wanting more huge, epic and glorious PvP such as those that come from world PvP, we just don't feel that it's the right place with the faction imbalance that is present in such battles. We are also looking into trying to find some solutions that will help with PvE gear in [url="https://twitter.com/holinka/status/315679130081456128"]duels[/url] as we have seen this is a concern as well.

Nakatoir mentions that World pvp is an 'unfortunate sacrifice' does this mean you are doing nothing to prevent this unfortunate sacrifice, or are you just going to allow PVE geared players to dominate pvp geared players in world pvp.

Please give a little bit of feedback on this? World pvp is something i really much enjoy, as your FIRST post on the 5.3 changes in that thread shows an indication that you know it will f-up world pvp but that you don't really care :(

I understand the fact that it is a very large thread, however i am quoting your full text, it is also the first post you made.

Now, if i have missed something or if world pvp is being discussed in a thread somewhere, please show me. But i think that if they leave these changes as they are, it will ruin duels and world pvp.
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#35 - March 27, 2013, 10:56 a.m.
Blizzard Post
26/03/2013 14:12Posted by Phonix
Nakatoir mentions that World pvp is an 'unfortunate sacrifice' does this mean you are doing nothing to prevent this unfortunate sacrifice, or are you just going to allow PVE geared players to dominate pvp geared players in world pvp.
I already mentioned that we don't want to ignore world PvP and dueling in the post that you quoted:
26/03/2013 08:31Posted by Nakatoir
This doesn't mean that world PvP and duels will be ignored. We definitely understand that players are wanting more huge, epic and glorious PvP such as those that come from world PvP, we just don't feel that it's the right place with the faction imbalance that is present in such battles.
So we are well aware that you all enjoy world PvP and we want to deliver on providing an enjoyable experience like world PvP. The main point here is that we feel that while it can generally be an amazing and fun experience, it normally comes down to two things; ganking, and the number of players on opposing sides.

We understand your desire for world PvP and while it's an enjoyable activity, it can never really be balanced because of the inherent factors that it relies on. We feel that those cool, epic battles out in the world can be done in a much better way through an instanced environment; we will however keep looking into ways to improve the world PvP experience.
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#48 - March 27, 2013, 1:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Maybe a bluepost could share some light on why it would be so hard to enable PvP power in world zones?
Seems like it is simple enough to enable doesnt it? It has to be made once, it doesnt depend on class, spec, item.
The problem with such a solution is that it would not result in much of a change. The reason this system works for Battegrounds and Arena is because the items will be capped at 496 Ilvl, and the PvP power on PvP gear will make it stronger than the PvE versions. In an open world scenario however there is no Ilvl cap. This means that the gear obtained in PvE will be able to outperform that which is obtained through PvP. We understand the frustration involved in such a change, but do note that we are looking at the effect that this has on world PvP and if we make some changes to this, we will let you know.
I think there's some gross exaggeration of just how many people will actually be rocking full HC gear.

You're not suddenly going to see everyone running around with it, stop acting like they are.
This is true as well, the number of players that have access to Heroic raiding gear is actually a very small percentage of the total population. You shouldn't suddenly be seeing large numbers of Heroic geared raiders running around in the world just ganking others.