What do you have against Boston?

#1 - Feb. 8, 2013, 6:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard, I hear you're dropping 20-30 inches of snow on us tomorrow. Why? We've never done anything to you! Clearly, snow needs to be nerfed.
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#60 - Feb. 8, 2013, 3:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/07/2013 10:25 PMPosted by Frethon
Blizzard, I hear you're dropping 20-30 inches of snow on us tomorrow. Why? We've never done anything to you! Clearly, snow needs to be nerfed.

Sometimes, a Blizzard's got to do, what a Blizzard's got to do, and this Blizzard's just gotta blow. (In a jazzy sort of way.)

Best wishes to you all in the cross-hairs. I hope you all stay safe.