help me please!

#1 - Jan. 24, 2013, 11:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
so i just got back from usmc boot camp and I got mists of pandaria, I accepted the new quest line to go to pandaria and rode the warship and the alliance attacked us, I accepted the quest to kill 80 thunder hold troops and 9 thunder hold cannons but I fell off the ship and died now I cant get back on it to operate the cannons I need to destroy them. any advice?
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#2 - Jan. 24, 2013, 11:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You should be able to get back by returning to the airship outside Orgrimmar.
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#5 - Jan. 24, 2013, 11:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
01/24/2013 03:31 PMPosted by Aliok
Yes, Horde has a portal on the ground that will teleport the player back onto the ship. Just look around the area where the orcs have set up a camp of sorts. The teleporter is red and stands out once you get close enough. I believe there is a rather important-looking orc NPC that is near it, too.

This! (Which is much easier than my solution. /ashamed)