90's ganking.

#1 - Dec. 6, 2012, 12:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Quoted from the World of Warcraft Terms of Use Agreement: "You should always remember to protect yourself where members of a hostile race can attack you."

The problem is that you CAN'T protect yourself against a player who is substantially higher than you are. Since gear is such a deciding factor in this game, not even your average 90 is going to have much of a chance against a full Dreadful Gladiator geared 90. What chance would a lower level have? Basically this makes that level 90 a 'god' that can go around and kill whoever they feel like indiscriminately. This is seriously impacting the game because I can't even quest on my alts without getting killed repeatedly by a level 90. Any ideas anyone?
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#85 - Dec. 6, 2012, 7:28 p.m.
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This is going to sound weird, and while I do empathize with the frustration that's being expressed in this thread, this conversation still warms the cockles of my black little heart.

Why? Because for too long there was very little distinction between playing on a PvE realm and playing on a PvP realm. We had inadvertently created a situation where there was little risk when leveling in the world on a PvP realm. The experiences were, for all practical purposes, virtually identical, but that wasn't what we had in mind.

Life on a PvP realm can be nasty, brutish and short. Justice is in very short supply. Every action you take in the world carries with it an added level of risk, from questing, to hunting down profession materials, to simply traveling from place to place. You can be attacked at any time, sometimes by an overwhelming force. Of course, the shoe can also be on the other foot, and you'll be able to turn the tables on your attacker, or find clever ways to delay them or escape from them. Some will become roaming slayers, seeking out enemies to destroy.

In short, the experience on a PvP server is different. We want it to be different, and that includes everything from honorable conflict on the field of battle to horribly despicable ganking. It's all part of the fabric that makes a PvP server what it is.

Let the blood be spilled.
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#98 - Dec. 6, 2012, 7:36 p.m.
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12/06/2012 11:33 AMPosted by Kungfuscious
Hey blue what server do u play on? Ill come farm u for a while and lets see if u still think its great.

You don't need to. It's already been done. Repeatedly.

I'm leveling a Monk as I play my other characters, and Pandaren are very popular targets (almost as popular as Blood Elves and Gnomes). I knew exactly what I was getting into, and I take my lumps with the rest of them.
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#128 - Dec. 6, 2012, 7:59 p.m.
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12/06/2012 11:54 AMPosted by Saraxia
what compensation do you give to those players that now find themselves on PvP

Despite the fact that the experience became less brutal for a time by accident, the expectation of what one should find on a PvP realm has always remained the same.

12/06/2012 11:54 AMPosted by Mattrose
So how does that fit into your noble idea of a PVP open world of battle?

I didn't imply that it was always noble, nor did I say that revenge was always a likelihood or possibility. I do distinctly recall saying 'Justice is in short supply', though.
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#168 - Dec. 6, 2012, 8:31 p.m.
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You are both right, after a fashion.

The general guideline is: if there is a PvP solution available, our staff will not intervene on a PvP realm.

There are, however, situations that are extreme (or that involve exploitation), which merit intervention by our staff, but they are extremely rare.
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#176 - Dec. 6, 2012, 8:36 p.m.
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12/06/2012 12:31 PMPosted by Caali
Remove this barrier and many people will be a lot happier. Stop pretending this is not an issue.

Not that your own situation should be dismissed, because I think it's unfortunate that all your friends prefer playing on a realm type that you don't like, but I would be very surprised if this were a widespread issue. At least you have the support of dependable real life friends if you find yourself in a tough spot.

Cross realm raiding of the current tier has the potential to generate a lot of negative repercussions. It's not the sort of thing we'd commit to lightly.
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#213 - Dec. 6, 2012, 9:03 p.m.
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12/06/2012 12:56 PMPosted by Ibatatas
Spending more time running back to my corpse than actually playing the game. Landing at a quest hub and dying before the NPCs and PCs even appear. Having my corpse camped because a level 90 only has to glance at me and I explode.

None of those things are griefing on a PvP realm, I'm afraid, though I freely acknowledge that they can be frustrating. Nonetheless, our stance on these issues hasn't changed since long, long before Cross Realm Zones were ever even imagined, much less implemented.