Possibly the solution to Denmark's RAF problem.

#1 - Aug. 1, 2011, 4:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Yea, I said possibly, as I am not entirely sure.

So, I went all pissed, about that we danish people can't use the RAF. So I send a mail with documentation to the danish consumerombudsmand about it.

So this is the respond I got (In english and translated with google translate) (The Tip a friend function is RAF, if you doubted): "We can initially say that the Consumer Ombudsman supervises the private and public enterprise to the extent provided goods and services on the market, does not violate the Marketing Act. Consumer Ombudsman's oversight also covers other parts of the civil consumer protection legislation, including provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, e-commerce Law, Consumer Contracts and Payment Services Act etc.

With regard to your inquiry, we are a bit uncertain about the precise rules you inquire about. We imagine, however, that these are the rules for electronic marketing, and particularly about the so-called tip-a-friend feature.

It follows from the Marketing Practices Act § 6, paragraph. 1 that the operator must not send electronic marketing (eg. Via email or SMS) without the recipient's prior consent, it is whether the recipient is a consumer company or authority.

When it comes to the so-called tip a friend function, the Consumer Ombudsman found that it is basically legal for traders on the website to provide such a feature available to website users. As long as the traders do not encourage or direct reward for the use of tip a friend function, and as long as the greeting that is sent to a third party, does not include marketing, according to the Consumer Ombudsman legally with tip a friend function."

And if you are danish: "Vi kan indledningsvis oplyse, at Forbrugerombudsmanden fører tilsyn med, at private virksomheder og offentlig virksomhed, i det omfang der udbydes varer og tjenesteydelser på markedet, ikke overtræder markedsføringsloven. Forbrugerombudsmandens tilsyn omfatter også andre dele af den civilretlige forbrugerbeskyttelseslovgivning, herunder bestemmelser i købeloven, e-handelsloven, forbrugeraftaleloven og betalingstjenesteloven m.fl.

For så vidt angår din henvendelse, er vi en smule usikre på, hvilke nærmere regler du spørger ind til. Vi forestiller os imidlertid, at det drejer sig om reglerne for elektronisk markedsføring, og særligt om den såkaldte tip-en-ven-funktion.

Det følger af markedsføringslovens § 6, stk. 1, at erhvervsdrivende ikke må sende elektronisk markedsføring (f.eks. via mail eller sms) uden modtagerens forudgående godkendelse, og det er uanset om modtageren er en forbruger, virksomhed eller myndighed.

Når det drejer sig om den såkaldte tip en ven-funktion har Forbrugerombudsmanden vurderet, at det som udgangspunkt er lovligt for erhvervsdrivende på hjemmesiden at stille en sådan funktion til rådighed for hjemmesidens brugere. Så længe den erhvervsdrivende ikke opfordrer til eller direkte præmierer for benyttelse af tip en ven-funktionen, og så længe den hilsen, der sendes til tredjemand, ikke indeholder markedsføring, er det ifølge Forbrugerombudsmanden lovligt med tip en ven-funktionen."

In some places it seems like he states, that it's allowed, but there is a little part which I'm not sure about: As long as the traders do not encourage or direct reward for the use of tip a friend function, and as long as the greeting that is sent to a third party, does not include marketing, according to the Consumer Ombudsman legally with tip a friend function.

So as I said, I'm not sure if we're legally allowed. Maybe some of you can interpret what it is he is truly saying. If you can, please post it here, so a blue poster can send it to the Legal Department or get it fixed.

Your one and only

- Rathbourne

#20 - Aug. 27, 2012, 4:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread is outdated.
