Why are some names still available to use?

#1 - Aug. 2, 2012, 2:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
My thoughts goes back to Wotlk when a fellow of mine on my original realm, Bloodhoof, named Ffs got his name reported because it was rude or whatever. He had used the name for 3 expansions and had it changed by force.

Now, my concern goes to a player I met in LFR 3 days ago.


Searching for the name alone brings up 146 characters.

This is one of those words that shouldnt be available. Along with a few dictators and rude words in general.

Topic: Why are some names still available to use?
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Customer Service
#16 - Aug. 3, 2012, 9:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello there Ðwarf.

While I appreciate your concern, I'm going to have nip this thread in the bud.

From experience I can tell you that such threads don't end up anywhere nice and in the end it's not something that the Customer Support department can help you with any way.

What I will tell you is that the system is what it is and, while we do our best to cater to as many languages as possible, the primary focus when 'blacklisting' is obviously English as they are English realms.

If you have an idea on how to improve that system, you can submit a suggestion to our developers in-game. In the meantime, please continue to report any offensive names you see to our Game Master team.

Thanks for your understanding and have a great weekend.