Retire Current Achievement Pets?

#1 - July 15, 2012, 9:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I know that this is purely sour g#%!@s on my part, but could we retire or at least drastically increase the number of pets required for the achievement pets (skunk/fawn/celestial dragon)? I mean, I put a lot of work and gold into getting my Celestial Dragon. I'm currently at 157 pets total and still getting more.

It just rather rubs me the wrong way that MoP will let people get a pet that I had to bust my butt so hard for just flying around capturing whatever they happen to see. I mean, the achievements now are upwards of 400 pets from what I saw in the beta.

Please, lets make the achievements we have now Feats of Strength so those of us that put the effort into collecting pets when it was hard to do will have some retired pets to show off, instead of letting literally everyone that does the pet battles have them.

Let us keep our rare rewards rare?
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#75 - July 18, 2012, 7:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I answered a similar question in the thread below.