#1 - April 1, 2012, 7:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Say goodbye to your dusty old Battle.net Authenticator and hello to its new incarnation: the Zergotchi! Blizzard Entertainment’s newest authentication system takes the next step in both virtual pet and Authenticator technology to provide you with the login experience of your life! The Zergotchi will not only be an endless source of fun but will also make sure your account stays as secure and safe as ever – in style. Feed it, play with it, care for it, and give it the love it needs to grow into the monster it was meant to be.

Check out this page to read more about the marvelous Zergotchi.

Visit the Blizzard Store today and become the proud owner of this next-generation Authenticator. But please hurry – supplies are limited!