COS - people that don't help with crates

#0 - March 18, 2010, 3:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Incoming QQ

There's very little that will make me rage quit a group. I have no problem doing the occulus or trying for drake achievements. I will heal locks that life tap. I will usually heal stupid just enough to keep them from dying. I don't mind all the dialogue at the beginning of CoS.

I do however nerd rage when I am the only one getting crates. I mean if 4 other people can mount up and run ahead of me - why not run ahead and hit a box that is ahead of me? If I seen everone run to the start without helping with crates, I will do all but one of them, make sure you are all waiting, and rage quit.
#92 - March 18, 2010, 6:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

If everyone thinks like that guess what happens? You all ride to the bridge and stare at each other blankly, while nothing happens.

Then you all have a good laugh and someone goes and gets the crates. You are allowed to have a laugh while playing a game, remember that one for later. Most every group I'm in for Culling of Strat, there is one person doing the crates, whether that person is me or someone else.

It's not exactly a job that requires teamwork, and it's certainly a situation that shouldn't make anyone's blood boil with rage.
#101 - March 18, 2010, 6:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Yeah. A laugh.

I'm convinced that there are no Blizzard employees playing in Bloodlust BG ;)

Actually, I'm on Bloodlust. :P