Mining bots everywhere in WOW :(

#1 - Aug. 13, 2011, 4:56 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I was farming for Ore and Uldum and all i see is bots everywhere!

I would take auto Loot off and stay at a node! and 4 guys fly in , Dismount and stand there looking at me since they can't loot the node!

This is getting to be a serious problem and a very anoying one too for someone like me trying to make so gold the legit way!

I wish there was a addon that i could click the persons name click report Bot, then it would open a ticket automaticly with a txt about this being a mining bot with Nick and Location

WOuld be so nice! ANyways
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#11 - Oct. 26, 2011, 3:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
10/26/2011 07:28 AMPosted by Sushicartel
I've made no less than 100 reports on mining bots in the last 60 days. They dont care. There hasnt been a mass bot banning in 2 yrs. I have canceled my acct come next payment day.

Not only is the part about us not caring totally untrue, please don't dig up posts this old.

Reporting those suspicions via an ingame petition and they can be looked into. Usually these are stolen accounts being pressed into service for nefarious purposes.