Do you CM's play WoW as normal players?

#0 - May 11, 2010, 10:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
How do you CM's play the game? I see you've been quite active on the forums lately, so I hope I reach you guys!

and of course Thundgot!
and the rest of the CM's!

Do you have anonymous characters that you play with on a NORMAL World of Warcraft game client?

Have you shown yourself in public on your "Blizzard" character on a random server just for fun?

Stuff like that, please mention something about who you are under your "Blizzard" shield :)

Other than that, I must say. Good job guys, keep on with spreading a good atmosphere in the forums!

Edit: Oh, your CM's not GM's.. My mistake :D
credit: Dormant
#2 - May 12, 2010, 8:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Sure we do :-) Some more than others, but we've all either played a lot in the past or still play quite a lot now. Personally I have a handful of 80s, I haven't raided much this expansion but was a very active holy Priest in TBC. Nowadays I'm kinda unsure which is my main but I'm more of the mind that it doesn't matter which character I play, as long as I'm having fun.
#3 - May 12, 2010, 1:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I guess I fall under "and more!" these days... :p

We're generally not in-game as our Blizzard characters (meaning our forum characters), but we have been known to drop by the PTRs under those names once in a while for some Battlegrounds or similar fun. :-)
#5 - May 12, 2010, 1:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I too play, recently more so however! I've found a new joy in playing the role of 'Meat Shield' and have been merrily tanking my way through the LFD tool, and meeting some amazing people on the way. I've been having a blast.
Q u o t e:
Did you ever get ganked
Ever tried to gank a prot warrior? ;-)