I ain't gonna ress you.

#0 - Sept. 3, 2007, 9:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I have a 65 priest as well and I always ressed everyone. No matter what, when, how many times, I just ressurected the party members. But it seems that's not a general rule.

Last evening we had a wipe in Crypts and I corpse ran, along with the priest. However 2 guys stayed there waiting to be ressed. The priest had a self esteem attack and refused to ress them. "I walked, you can walk too".

No solid argument could convince him press that damn button. Not even the fact that actually the tank died because he had not received any healing - i got no idea what that healer was doing anyways - . Although I begged, preached, questioned etc the priest, he refused to ressurect anyone and he aggroed some mobs concluding "there! now w can all corpse run!". Luckily I had vanish. The others simply left the group and there goes another half hour wasted and no dungeon finished..

I know some of you healers do the same thing as well, and here are my arguments:

- although some players corpse run and others do not, you're still the only person able to ressurect in there. That's why you're with us, 50%. Cause you can ressurect. The other 50% is cause you can heal. We're not really taking you in groups to admire your pretty robes or your witty speeches.

-when playing with the priest character, my real only purpose in getting in a dungeon was to finish it. And to advance to another, improve gear, gain xp, money,, stuff. That should be everyone's goal I think. By creating tension inside the group your only success is yet another disband, plus that youll make a complete ass out of yourself .

I'd like to ask priests who refuse to ressurect why the hell would they do that. Of course, except cases in which the language is aggresive or plain dumb, like "REZZ FFS"
#53 - Sept. 3, 2007, 3:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I agree with the others here. Generally, I would expect players to run, if they give a reason why they don't then that's fine, but otherwise I usually make them listen to my lecture on why running saves everyone time before I resurrect them.

I have never gone so far as to leave the group, or refuse to resurrect people outright because of it though - at the end of the day, I agree with Charlisse in that I want to enjoy the instance and I'm not going to let a lazy player or two spoil that for me.

It does sound like the priest you were with went a bit over the top, purposefully wiping again to make a point is a tad extreme I think.