Censorship and the truth about Kalgan.

#0 - Nov. 7, 2007, 10:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hello Warlock Discussion,

I'd like to cordially invite you to cease and desist the Kalgan Thread spamming. Should you decide to stop, you will continue to enjoy the ability to post in the World of Warcraft forums! Should you decide to continue spamming, that privilege may be removed.

You've been baaahhd.

<Mod Squad>

From the Official American board.

I don't care ban me! Give me a legit reason to cancel my account.
I think this guy with his ideas ruined my experience in such a bad way. I hardly play anymore.
Once I made a ticket about dying in air. If that was a error. The GM answer was working as intended. If I did not agree I could take it to the official board.
I did not. It was done before me by several community members. Guess what. A few patches later it was fixed.

Now we "community" have a problem again. Listen or burn.

I dare you, solve it. Or Kill me. One way or the other.
Do not forget I am part of your paycheck.
In fact I am getting a friend into an account hoping I get some joy back in the game.
Killing me will snowball. In my direct situation and in the online community.
Censorship. My god how low can you go.

#30 - Nov. 7, 2007, 3:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Locking this thread since it doesn't really have anything to do with Warlocks.

Please try to be more constructive in the future.

Thank you.