I don't want MS, I want Anti CC!

#0 - March 2, 2008, 7:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Seriously blizzard. Did you read any of the "Class feedback requested"? I mean, I think there were alot more people asking for some more survivability in the arena, not the option to give a 5 second debuff. Our DPS as enhancement is absolutely fine. It's just getting to our targets.

I want an Instant Ghost wolf that removes movement impairing effects. Give me that, just that. And i'll be alot happier than I am now with this stinking debuff.

Oh not to mention, we can just drop our FT totem for other people to use, so we don't actually have to have FT on our weapon, we can still PEWPEW double WF like crazy.
#69 - March 5, 2008, 2:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The 'mortal strike' effect that has been applied to the flametongue spells on the Public Test Realm was added as a way of making shaman more interchangeable for grouping and specc'ing.

As has been said the flametongue spells can be used regardless of your talent point allocation so this should be an extra tick in the list of reasons to take a shaman in your group regardless of what build they have.
#79 - March 5, 2008, 3:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
How could I forget even for a moment?

The Nelf above is right, Tharfor, and I made a 10+ page topic about this before. If you want to do anything for shamans now, tell the developers that there is a problem with macroed pets instantly destroying totems over and over again in arenas without any active involvement and time/cost investment by the owners.

I hear ya.

I don't have all the answers and I don't hold all the cards, I just wanted to offer some explanation as to why the reduced healing effect is currently on the Test Realms because it seemed to have caught some people off guard.