Shamans Petition to blizz

#0 - March 22, 2008, 4:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I don't want to go off on a mad rampage as there are enough of these threads filling up the forum which are all basically the same thing. It's a feeling that I'm sure pretty much every shaman in warcraft feels right now, let down and frustrated.

I'd just like to put this post up and make blizzard see how much they letting us down. Shamans are litterally bottom of the class, we need a CC or something just to get by lately. I know my arena rating sucks if anyone points that out becuase basically I've given up trying in arena any more it's next to pointless. Don't get me wrong I love my class pve, really awsome class. Arena I just don't see why I should even bother to sign up with no hope of even a balanced fight.

So guys, what I'm asking for here is not a big post you're ideas thing. Not listing complaints it's all been done before in small chunks. Let's show blizzard the scale of the problem. Everyone who is currently unhappy with the state of shaman pvp just reply with a /sign to this petition to blizzard and let us see just how much this class needs development. As many /signs as we can to make them take notice please.

thanks, Okiura.
#5 - March 26, 2008, 11 a.m.
Blizzard Post
  • “Petition” posts are frowned on.

  • This is a discussion forum. Petition threads do not contain much discussion – instead, a petition is usually page after page of “/signed.” This is not constructive. If you have an issue with the game, please discuss it in a civil fashion. There are other places on the internet to form online petitions.
