Vaneras, may i ask you something whitout

#0 - Feb. 5, 2008, 7:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Getting banned?

Dont get me wrong, just whant to discuss this whit you, and since you locked my last post im not able to post there.

lets take a look at the rules we have here:

Q u o t e:
1. Transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content.

Dont feel like i broken that rule.

Q u o t e:
2. Post or transmit sexually explicit images or other content that is deemed by Blizzard to be offensive.

I may been liltle Offensive, but did i realy break the line? I reacted on that so many posts have been locked. as a human i think that we should be allowed to support other classes if we think that they are to weak. If the the same person post the same post 3-4 times whit alts i do understand why. but all they what is to support the shaman class.

Q u o t e:
3. Advocate cheating during gameplay including, but not limited to, the modification of the game program files.
4. Impersonate any person including, but not limited to, a representative of Blizzard.
5. Post or transmit chain letters or pyramid or money schemes.
6. "Spam" by posting frequent and/or annoying messages in the forums.

I did not spam, or behaved rude. all i whanted was to get a answer from you and i got it. thank you for that, but still i feel not that you understand the shamans.

We have been strugle for a long time now, and its not normal to see blue posts on our forum. we have posted many good sugestions whitout feeling that they have been heard. we are the only class that have been whitout CC or anti CC since launch.

i just started arena whit a real life mate, he is feral druid, and im ench shaman. our score is 1-8 (lost 8 rounds). all we whant to do is have fun whit the class/build we like to play whit. So is it realy so hard to understand that we ask for a buff. and ask again when we dont get any answers?!

I do beg you not to ban me. if you pissed and think this thread is rubbish just lock me and i whil not post about this again. i whont even talk about shaman and pvp again. So shamans, if you dont see me on the forums for the next days/weeks you know that blizzard have ban me and lost one customer.

Thanks for your time Vaneras. Hope i havent wasted to much of your time.
#3 - Feb. 5, 2008, 8 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Thanks for your time Vaneras. Hope i havent wasted to much of your time.

The more of these kind of threads I have to deal with, the less time I will actually have to do the work you would like me to do, which is to forward your feedback to the developers.