The complete joke that is the druid.

#0 - Jan. 21, 2007, 2:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Now I ask you, how does it feel to go from beeing the most underpowered class to being something that no class can compete with. I have just been killed by a lvl 64 druid, stunlocking me from 5425 hp to 0. Mangle crit me (in bear form that is) for 2031.....
I really hope you guys enjoy it while it lasts.... because if this keeps on going Druid will be the new ruler of everything.

They outank warriors....
They outdamage rogues in catform... and some rogues even in bear form.
They heal better that Priests and shammys.

and you get to have all three... and two of the above apply just by speccing feral.

ANy idea how I can post a screenshot, you guys seriously needs to see this.

(update) - this part is written later since newcomers apparnetly doesnt see the whole thread.
I know this is a whine post, no doubt about it. But the problem is this guy will be able to beat me 10/10 times, beeing the person I am, (I hate to loose in pvp) I ran around for 20 mins trying to find him, I had everything ready. I finally found him he waved at me (because you guys apparently also have track humanoids ? Damn I would love that on my rogue.

Anyways... I start with corruption from max range... and I am ready to cast fear now that he goes in to bear form corruption 36 yards and fear 26, so I have ten yards to get my fear of.....I spam the fearbutton as he runs towards me. Bam chargestun before I could get the fear off. Scenario starts over.... right before I die (I have around 700 hp left) I use pot and healthstone... and a fear and then I crit him with trinket and bloodfury afterwards for 2600 (my crit chance is 11% with 5% from talents, so quite lucky) fear breaks ofc I manage to put curse of agony on, only to watch him kill me a few seconds afterwards.
I have never seen this damage from a druid.... and certainly not in bearform.
I honestly dont see who can kill whis guy, you cant slow him? He can heal.... and he probably has #@@@loooads of hp since that 2600 crit didnt take more than 20% max.
Name me a class that can do anything about it? All casters are 100% doomed that is for sure.
Dont say fear kiting, it is no longer an option AT all.

first fear 12 seconds unless he trinkets, 12 seconds people.... I have NEVER seen it last that long in pvp with a dot on. so lets just say he has my 3 dots on Curse of agony, Corruption, Siphonlife
12 seconds is 4 ticks from each at the best case scenario well that would be 600 damage for curse of agony, since it doesnt do much damage in teh beginning. Siphonlife ticks for 100 that is 1000 for those two, and my new corruption who just got nerfed to oblivion is 246 (was 302 before nerf)
s that is a maximum of 2000 damage if I do not shoot shadowbolts at him(we all know how they break fear). So you tell me.... I fear again right ?

Lets see so I spend 1.5seconds on casting a fear that fears him for 6 seconds (remember dimishing returns)? - on a further note, if he used trinket from the start (which means I would have to deathcoil him ) the fear would last 3 seconds this time.... 12-6-3 seconds is CC effects now.
And we are talking best case scenario for me here. You all know damn well that a warlock who has people in melee range is a dead warlock.

Please tell me how I could ever win this fight. And please dont say learn to play, I have better than average gear imo (510 spelldamage).
#175 - Jan. 22, 2007, 10:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
And this would be a so called "nerf-thread". Please be more constructive in the future.