Subscribtion Cancelled, Beta Tester Quits

#0 - Oct. 25, 2006, 12:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Subscribtion cancelled. Play time expires November 6th. Good thing Vice City comes out November 3rd for the PSP. You know there's something wrong with a class when even being in Beta isn't enough to keep a guy playing.

PS: No you can't have my key. I may need it if they fix druids.
#170 - Nov. 24, 2006, 1:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
that sugestion is basically the same as normalization but scales dangerously better :)

normalizing a 1 sec speed weapon to 1.7 on special attacks is basically adding: 170% weapon damage + X (1.7 secs = 170% of 1 sec), X being the current bonus of that skill.

while ur sugestion scales better than normalization (because its a flat percentage, scales better on claw, not sure about shred) it probably scales better than rogues do, the gap should not increase but should not decrease, that would not be fair for rogues.

our cat skills should be similar to the rogues, with similar mechanics, the only mechanic that needs to change is the way weapons work, while rogues get better weapons druid get more ap to compensate the lack of weapon, the rest can be the same or similar, and rogues have had theyr special attacks normalized (even though a slow weapon is still better than a fast one, dont know how blizzard normalization works but hasnt fixed much).

i believe moonkin will be viable in TBC, the mana issues have been addressed, and bear form will also probably be good, except for frenzied regeneration bear has almost everything working and has gained a rage dump, restoration has been nerfed into a hot bot, a boring game style, with no viability whatsoever in pvp, cat form seems to be the most flawed druid form atm.

Weapons speed normalization is an issue being addressed by the developers. Mangle definitely answers the weapon speed scaling issues, as it has been created with damage multipliers to bring it in line with the normalization speed of rogue and warrior weapons:

- Mangle in bear form takes the 2.5 speed of bear form and multiplies it to get 3.25, which is very close to the 3.3 normalization speed for two-handed weapons.

- Mangle in cat form takes the 1.0 speed of cat form and multiplies it to get 1.6, very close to the normalized attack speed for daggers

Additionally the Mangle de-buff increases the damage of Shred by 30%, which makes it act like backstab with an un-normalized 1.95 speed dagger.