Druids travel form, forms, arenas.

#0 - Dec. 2, 2007, 3:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post


Changing form will have now 1 sec cast. [Playing arena today druid changed into bear between two stunlocks without using medalion].
Forbid travel or any other mount forms at arena. Druid is like running away hole arena putting hots and healing him self and party m8.
The most known setup: warrior + druid. Nuke warrior? - Druid heals. Nuke druid? You wont be able to reach him becasue of travel form and charge teleport from one corner to another at arena.

I am asking about it not becasue I dont like druids, but becasuse I wish to play a little bit more balanced game that is now.
#109 - Dec. 4, 2007, 12:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Nerf threads make baby pandas cry.

If you wish to discuss PvP / Arena balance, maybe present it in a more constructive way than start off with a "nerf this or that" post in the forum of class you wish to have at the short end of the nerf stick?